News & Insights
Unlocking Financial Success: The Crucial Role of Comprehensive Tax Planning
In this blog, we delve into the critical components of effective tax planning, emphasizing the expertise of a knowledgeable financial advisor equipped with cutting-edge technology.
Legacy Planning is More Than Estate Planning
Your legacy is bigger than your balance sheet. That's why we believe that an effective estate plan, which protects and distributes your assets, is only one part of your larger legacy plan.
The Evolution of the Financial Services Industry
The financial services industry has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, shifting from a sales-oriented commission model to a more client-focused fiduciary planning environment.
Will a Bear Market Destroy My Retirement?
Is it possible for my retirement to survive a stock market decline? That's a question that many people are asking these days, and there are reasons to be optimistic, especially for retirees and those planning to retire soon. It's a great time to take a moment and look at this issue.
Is Your Career a Ladder or a Jungle Gym?
Tired of climbing the corporate ladder? Then maybe it's time to ditch the ladder.
Here are three reasons why thinking about your career as a jungle gym could help you achieve more and improve your Return on Life.
1. Take a big swing sideways.
2. See the next ring and leap for it.
3. Extend your playtime.
Do You Need a Sabbatical in Retirement?
We usually associate a sabbatical with a career break that allows a professional to step outside their job, learn something new, recharge, and refocus on new goals. But a sabbatical can also be a transformative experience for retirees as well. By putting a pause on your current retirement schedule, you can expand your ideas about what retirement can be and explore new ways to improve your return on life.
The Importance of Estate Planning
When it comes to managing your wealth, it's not just about growing your assets during your lifetime. True financial security also involves planning for the future, especially when you're no longer around to manage your affairs. Estate planning is the cornerstone of this preparation, and it's an essential aspect of responsible financial management.
Prepare Now For a 95+ Life Span
Living to 95+ years old is a possibility that could happen regardless of your personal desires. That is why we customarily use that age in our financial plan longevity forecast. How can we plan for the future, not just monetarily, but also emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, so that our long lives have purpose and value? It's great that we have the opportunity to make changes that will help us prepare for a longer life!
Plan a Special Vacation to Start Retirement
If you're about to retire but not really looking forward to it, maybe it's time to schedule something you will look forward to. Kicking off your retirement with a well-deserved vacation can ease you into this complicated transition and give you a small taste of everything you have to look forward to...
Recent Articles
Unlocking Financial Success: The Crucial Role of Comprehensive Tax Planning
Legacy Planning is More Than Estate Planning
The Evolution of the Financial Services Industry
The Importance of Estate Planning
Plan a Special Vacation to Start Retirement
Prepare Now For a 95+ Life Span
Will a Bear Market Destroy My Retirement?