Investment Philosophy
We are long-term investors based on client financial plans and objectives, not short-term traders. As one of the original Dave Ramsey ELP's from the formation of that former program, we adhere to Dave's long-term philosophy. While we are no longer involved in that program, the principles are what has guided us from the beginning and continues to do so. Those include proper diversification and asset allocation, and tuning out the short-term "noise."
Decades of research on investment performance has taught us that managing diversification, investor behavior, and risk are the keys to long-term success. While we pay attention to industry benchmarks, we believe success in investing comes down to each individual client goals, and do you have enough money to live the way you want to live. That is what is most important, not whether you are keeping up with some random industry index.
"Your success in investing will depend in part on your character and guts and in part on your ability to realize, at the height of ebullience and the depth of despair alike, that this too shall pass."
Jack Bogle
Our portfolio managers are constantly looking for the best companies to invest in, not necessarily buying the whole market where you get the bad along with the good. We are more selective than that, and we always have a reason and are aware of what we own and why we own it. Our portfolio construction is purposeful, not reactive.
As a behavioral coach, one of the most important things we feel we do is helping clients maintain focus on their goals in periods of market or economic turmoil, as well as during more euphoric times. We are highly focused on getting you to tune out the constant conflicting "news" which is designed to spike your emotions and keep you watching or reading. You have better things to do. Short-term performance can be a distraction and an enemy of good discipline. We believe in the power of education to help guide you, going back to our Dave Ramsey "Heart of a Teacher" years.
"By developing your discipline and courage, you can refuse to let other people's mood swings govern your financial destiny. In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave."
Benjamin Graham
As a Risk Manager, we help to define risk in a way that goes beyond market volatility and addresses obstacles specific to a family's financial plan. There are many types of risk beyond short-term market volatility that need to be considered, such as purchasing power risk, interest rate risk, and opportunity cost among others.
Each of these roles are interrelated since the greatest risk to any plan is to abandon a well-reasoned strategy in favor of fads or overreacting to short-term events. Our best and most successful clients are focused on the end goal and not distracted by the never-ending news cycle. We have helped navigate this journey for hundreds of clients, and pride ourselves and define success by the many who have achieved their definition of financial peace.